Teeth Sensitivity Treatment

Tooth sensitivity can be caused by many things. It can be a result of gum disease or clenching and grinding your teeth. It can also be due to acid reflux.


Vigorous brushing can wear away at enamel, making the dentin exposed and causing pain. Using a toothpaste that contains desensitizing compounds can help.

1. Toothpaste

Tooth sensitivity can be caused by tooth decay, gum disease and teeth grinding. It occurs when the enamel is thinned or eroded, exposing dentine which contains nerves. These nerves can be sensitive to hot or cold foods, brushing and air. It can be a very uncomfortable experience and can lead to avoiding certain foods and drinks which can cause pain.

Using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth can help with the pain. These products contain ingredients such as potassium nitrate or stannous fluoride which works to block the tubule holes in the dentine of the tooth. This can take a few weeks to work but can help reduce the pain of sensitivity.

It is also recommended that you avoid acidic foods which can further erode your enamel and make your teeth more sensitive. If you continue to experience pain then a visit to your dentist should be considered as the problem may be more serious than a sensitivity toothpaste can treat. The dentist can apply a protective coating to cover the exposed dentine and stop the transmission of pain.

2. Salt Water Rinse

Salt has anti-bacterial and healing properties, making it ideal for sore throats, mouth ulcers and healing gum tissues. It also balances the pH level in the mouth, creating an alkaline environment that bacteria find difficult to thrive in.

A salt water rinse can be made using a teaspoon of salt added to warm water, and should be used at least once each day until your sensitivity improves. This simple routine can help reduce the symptoms of sensitivity and protect your oral health in the long term.

If sensitivity continues to bother you, make sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist to determine the cause and recommend treatment. They may use sensitive toothpaste to ease the pain, or may offer fluoride gels or rinses with high concentrations of fluoride that block dentine tubules and protect the teeth. They can also paint a high-concentration fluoride varnish onto your teeth at regular appointments, a procedure that works similar to a dental filling. This provides a protective barrier that lasts for weeks. In addition, they may recommend a toothpaste that contains capsaicin, an ingredient found in many spicy foods and spices that has been shown to relieve sensitivity in some patients.

3. Mouthwash

Sometimes, your teeth can get irritated by eating acidic foods or having a hard candy. This is because the foods or candies erode and chip tooth enamel, which exposes the dentin underneath. This can then cause sensitive tooth pain when you eat or drink hot or cold liquids, or when you brush your teeth.

Vigorous brushing also can cause your teeth to be more sensitive by wearing down the enamel and exposing the softer cementum, which then exposes the dentin tubules inside. A mouthwash that is designed for sensitive teeth can help to alleviate this discomfort. LISTERINE Sensitivity mouthwash is specially formulated to get inside open dentin tubules to actively block painful stimuli from reaching the nerves, helping you feel less sensitive. When used alongside a fluoride toothpaste like LISTERINE Essential Care Fluoride Anticavity, it can further strengthen your enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity.

While it is good to try at-home treatments to relieve teeth sensitivity, if the discomfort persists, make an appointment with your Loveland dentist. They can check the source of your sensitivity and recommend in-office treatment to eliminate it.

4. Fluoride

Fluoride is a mineral that naturally occurs in many foods and is added to the water supply of most countries. It is known to prevent tooth decay and promote healthy teeth and bones. It is absorbed by the body and stored in the bones and teeth.

Sensitive teeth are caused by eroded enamel and exposed nerve endings. Using a desensitizing toothpaste or salt water rinse may help to alleviate this pain temporarily. If the problem persists, it is best to visit a dentist for fluoride treatment.

Regular fluoride treatments can strengthen the enamel and make teeth resistant to acid erosion from sugar-producing bacteria in the mouth. It can also block the pathways that transmit the sensation of pain from the teeth to the brain.

If you are experiencing significant discomfort from hot and cold foods, drinks or air pressure, contact us today at Tompkins Dental to learn how a quick in-office fluoride treatment can help. Your sensitivity may be caused by controllable factors like dietary acids, brushing habits or the use of an overly abrasive at-home toothpaste.

5. Dental Treatment

Tooth pain caused by underlying oral issues often requires a visit to the dentist for treatment. This may include a filling to repair decay, bonding to cover exposed roots or a gum graft if the gum tissue has eroded. The dentist can also recommend a toothpaste for sensitive teeth that contains ingredients such as potassium nitrate that desensitize the nerves.

Some people are born with thin enamel, which can make them more susceptible to tooth sensitivity. Brushing too hard or using a highly abrasive toothbrush can also cause damage to the enamel and gum tissue, leading to tooth sensitivity.

The sensitivity is caused by tiny tubules that connect the dentine to the nerve. When something hot or cold touches the tooth, the fluid in the tubules moves, which irritates the nerve and causes pain. Using the treatments mentioned above can help to prevent and treat sensitivity, making eating and drinking more comfortable. Visit a dentist for a comprehensive exam to determine the underlying cause of your sensitivity and find the best solution for you!