How to Improve Your Driving Skills

방문운전연수 Driving is a skill that requires practice. The more you drive, the better and safer you will become.


A good driver must be willing to learn new skills and hone the old ones. You can do this by taking refresher driving classes or by having your driving abilities evaluated by a trained professional, such as an occupational therapist.

Know the Rules of the Road

The road can be a scary place. Honking 방문운전연수 horns, flashing lights and powerful pedals make for a stressful driving environment. It is important to remember that other drivers don’t always have good driving etiquette, and they may not follow the rules of the road.

Learn the traffic laws of where you live and where you are traveling to. You can find information about road laws online, and some sites offer quizzes to help you remember the rules. Learning how to drive in a new location will be easier if you have this knowledge beforehand.

Pay attention to the markings on the road, including lane markers and speed limits. If you’re changing lanes, only do so when the white line is broken and the lane is clear. Also, pay attention to the shape of the signs on the road – squares indicate regulations, diamonds warn of danger, horizontal rectangles give directions and pentagons are school zones. Lastly, remember to use your turn signals and don’t slam on the gas or brake pedals. This will keep you and those around you safe.

Stay Calm Under Pressure

Driving can be stressful and anxiety-provoking, especially for new drivers. There are so many things to think about – traffic laws, the speed limit, checking mirrors, braking times in different weather conditions, whether the car has sufficient air pressure in the tires and much more. Some people find it easier to stay calm and relaxed when they have a clear, defined plan of action. This includes knowing what steps they need to take before getting behind the wheel and preparing for the journey ahead of time.

Other drivers can be a real stressor, especially when they are behaving aggressively or erratically on the road. This could be 방문운전연수 as simple as cutting you off or driving too close to you. It is important to try and anticipate what other drivers may do on the road and prepare accordingly.

You should also be sure to get plenty of rest before your drive, as fatigue can cause you to react less quickly and make mistakes. Avoid eating too many caffeinated foods or drinks, as they can make you more jittery and nervous.

Focus on the Road

While driving may seem like a simple task, it requires your full attention. Getting distracted can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicle and create unsafe conditions for other motorists.

Avoid multi-tasking while driving by turning off your phone, setting your alarm to go off when you get home and leaving your food in the kitchen. Even a quick text can distract you from the road and cause an accident.

Many accidents occur because of impatient driving, as well. If you are in a hurry to get somewhere, be sure to allow enough time to reach your destination without speeding or cutting other drivers off.

Also, be mindful of motorcycles, pedestrians and commercial trucks, as they have a different set of skills to navigate the road. Always leave at least two-seconds of distance between your car and any vehicles in front of you. Be especially aware of truck blind spots and their wider turning radius. Lastly, be especially cautious when turning left, as this is the most common turn-related crash for all types of vehicles.

Communicate with Other Drivers

When you’re driving, it’s important to communicate with other drivers. This includes being able to read their body language and knowing what they’re planning to do next. It also means being able to communicate with them using your turn signals and other indicators. This is especially important when you’re sharing the road with a driver who may be newer to the area or has different driving habits than you do.

Drivers need to be able to recognize hazards on the road and respond quickly in case something unexpected occurs. This requires good attention and concentration skills, which can be improved by limiting distractions such as eating, adjusting the radio or talking to friends while driving.

In addition, a driver should be familiar with all traffic laws and safety protocols in their area and be willing to uphold them at all times. Drivers who demonstrate a dedication to following these rules are often more sought after by hiring managers than those who do not. A driver’s ability to follow the law is also improved by undergoing a driving assessment with a driving rehabilitation specialist or occupational therapist.